
Tsillah Lochesh

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Literature Text

Tsillah by TehutiyTsillah by Tehutiy 
* indicates hovertext


Birth name: Tsuya        Name Changes:  Tsillah Tadeozi Itchtaca Lochesh
Title(s): Domna, Druzhina, Lady            
A.K.A: Tsill, Sionnach, Zeah(By Garth) Tad, Edel,  Tsu-la, Tsi-ya
Race: Icekin*                              Ethnicity: Dacian/Gaelgii
Accent: Gael / Dacian / Iscarii
Age: 18*             Age Bracket: Adult
DOB: The 14th of Raladur, under the Dolphin Saffir in the week of Saint Kovu.
Gender: Bullet; PinkFemaleBullet; Pink
Hometown: Deepwick
Current Residence: Lochesh Manor, Deepwick, dePrae Valley, Tehutai
Guilds: Botany, Mages              Rank/Occupation: Warden, Acolyte


Hair: Dark Red *   Hair2: Black*   Eyes: "Silver" a very pale shade of grey* 
*as her mother was a furkin she has 'feathered' hair or natural high and low lights  and flowing into a 'mane' down her spine from the base of her neck to her tailbone. In addition to irisis/pupils like a fox's and eyes that are very slightly slanted upward at the outer edges.
Facial features: Tsillah has inherited the traits of a Lochesh Noble; prominent cheeckbones, sharp 'aquiline' features, and thin lips are all becoming apparent as she ages as well as the distinctly bluish tint to her skin. She also possesses the sharp teeth and 'fangs' of the Lochesh line.
Height: 6.3 feet.               Weight:  165 lbs. 
Build: Wiry, whippet-like "Active youth" build.

Vibrant, woody-sweet herbal scent with clean, leafy-floral undertones. Like the forest after a spring shower; gentle, woodsy and full of life.
Bullet; Black The numerous scrapes of an active child.
Bullet; Black Several burn scars, specifically around the left leg, ankle, and forearms; moving up and over her left side. (From the Scweld Fire)
Bullet; Black Scarred runic "tattoos" around her right wrist. (scarred and filled with ash)
Bullet; Black Scar on left side of face in hairline, barely visible on average, but rather nasty under her hair.
Bullet; Black Several deep scars across her back, faint against pale skin, seeming to be layered.

Bullet; Blue BIRTHMARK: An intricate almost tribal design at the base of her spine and over her lower back; pale grey and bisected by her furkin mane.
Bullet; Black A Drakkari, dagger and rose on her right shoulder-blade bearing the legend "Quis autem capere non spinarum cupere numquam rosa; ad hauriendum sanguinem in eius habiturus. Ita si odor frui debes accipere affert spinas; solet enim punctiones delicata nocebit."*
Bullet; Black Several runes along her spine near the base of her neck. Including Ptali(determination), ---(perserverance) and a few runic circles.
Bullet; Black A Ring/bracelet of scared-and-inked runes around her right wrist. 
Bullet; Black A sigil on the palm of her hand flowing into a bracelet around the left wrist. Black iridescent green and purple.
Bullet; Black A white-gold Drakkari ring with diamond eyes, single silver hoop earring her father wears its twin. Second right  finger. (belonged to her mother)
Bullet; Black A wedding and an engagement ring.
Bullet; Black A hoop-and-cuff earring, her father wears the other hoop. left. (also formerly Adriana's) 
Bullet; Black Butterfly earring and cuff, right. (from Dun.)
Bullet; Black Green pendant, various forms always worn. Surface often shifts and will glow.
Bullet; Black Charm bracelet, left.
Bullet; Black A Sharani Jade bangle bracelet, right.

General Attire: 
As a Lochesh she sports the clothes of a noble, the Lochesh prefer a militant style of garb and Tsillah is no exception. She values practicality over appearance, but still tends to make herself presentable out of habit. She is a daughter of a Great House after all.
Normally she's seen in a thick vest, buttondown, military jacket heavy riding boots and various hats(normally fedora)

Whatever is required, though dislikes dresses as a rule.

First Impressions:
An excitable and curious young woman, quite mature for her age but occasionally the childlike qualities still peek through. She usually has a calm expression and carries herself proudly, wasting no effort in excessive gestures or movements as she walks. Smooth, confident, and almost liquid in her motions. "Feline" grace and strength.
Homid Form(s): 
Iscalin(/Alrahen): Pictured

Her fox, anthropomorphic. (can theoretically take any of her animal forms as alrahen, but is almost always the fox)
TsillFox by Tehutiy Motivation Comm. | Tsillah by Leaftail

Tsillah Amal MuircheartAKA Hope

Daemon/Vampiric Form:
She gained a generous foot, two, as he limbs lengthened and her features softened, something between rabbit, fox and vaguely feline in her face. Her ears lengthened, stretching out and lowering instinctively as the horns appeared, the lowest pair curling around them as another stretched gracefully back over her head, the last was lone, and stretched up from her forehead dipping back like the others but curving forward near the tip in a crescent opposite those that flanked it. Her hands became like a furkin cats, the talons retracted for the moment and her feet stretched, becoming almost ratlike. Her frame was stretched leaner and taller, and she seemed almost too thin, too delicate, to cause harm. 
Her tail flicked as it appeared, stretching from her spine until the iridescent tuft appeared, casting faint rainbows across the silver surface as it caught the light.
Finally her wings appeared, flaring wide, the leather was the same iridescent silver as her tailtuft, but it seemed to be thinner, the skin almost transparent but for the shimmer over them. along the top edge however thick feathers sprouted, the same pale greyish white of her fur, and finally she relaxed them, allowing the thumbs of her wings to clutch themselves at her chest, the darker leather of their revers rippling slightly as they formed a 'cloak'. Black catching the light and flaring to purple when it hit right. Wordlessly she cocked her head, then crouched from the near seven and a half foot height into something less intimidating, a tiny smile lifting a mouth that seemed too small for the face, almost giving the impression she had none at all. "Well, this is it; you can tell me if you think my rabbit cute now, I suppose?" She offered, an ear twitching as she spoke and her head cocking further. 
Other Form(s): 
Thanks to Edel, Tsillah can take any form after observing a creature for an hour or two.
Kitten| Wolf| Fox| Pigeon | Rat | Bat| Spider | Barn Owl | Doe | Tiger First attempt | Cheetah | Thylacine | Otter Chichiran  | Nimby| PureDrak Gryphoness| Parrotlet | Darkdrak | Yag'Mur | Llyogre


Nature: Tsillah has a curious, innocent bent. Always willing to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to friends and strangers alike. She likes being helpful, but is not so naive as to let herself be taken advantage of. For the most part she is a mature girl, though occasional hints of deeper insight and intellect than a child ought to possess do shine through.
INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges. The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others' emotions and motivations, and will often know how someone else is feeling before that person knows it himself. They trust their insights about others and have strong faith in their ability to read people. Although they are sensitive, they are also reserved; the INFJ is a private sort, and is selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.
INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves. Enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. Approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused on thoughtful study of the world around them. They are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating. 
(Responsible organizers, driven to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat, and tend to have a procedure for everything they do)

        Organized Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Spontaneous   
        Rigid Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Adaptable
     Focused Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Disordered
            Lawful Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Oppertunistic
           Calm Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Excitable    
 Thoughtful Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Impulsive  
     Active Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Idle        
  Negligent Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Focussed  
Wary Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bold 
     Strict Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Lenient 
   Lustful Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Chastice
             Loyal Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Manipulative
Childish Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Mature 
Responsible Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Flippant      
Playful Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Stoic   
Extrovert Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Introvert
Modest Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Proud  
Sympathetic Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Objective     
Passionate Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Disciplined
     Passive Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Aggressive
    Logical Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Nurturing
  Dominant Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Submissive
Generous Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Selfish     
     Raw Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Refined
Savvy Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Red Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Bullet; Black Naive 

:D (Big Grin) Likes:D (Big Grin)  
Animals, Drakkari, Exploration, New discoveries, Learning, Puzzles/Riddles, Botany, Healing Arts, Friends, Freedom, Loyalty, Honor, Mythology, Culture, Languages, Tinkering, Garth and his inventions, Marikh, Training, Parkour, Challenges, Weapons.
She enjoys people who catch her off guard and display intelligence or common sense in their actions/words.

One thing Tsillah cannot live without:

Her Family

Pissed DislikesPissed 

Prejudice(esp. racial), Cruelty, Discrimination, People who talk too much and know too little, Hunters, Fire, Traitors, Disrespect, Hubris, Incompetence, Gossips, Bullies, Poachers.
She cannot tolerate heat well, and dislikes people who take superstition too far or talk too much.

One thing Tsillah cannot stand:


Losing those she cares for. 


Heightened strength, speed, and senses. Swordsmanship(dual weaponry). Ambidextrous. Highly Flexible, Dance and Parkours. Botany training, apprentice-level:Warden. Can hold her breath for five minutes plus, Great swimmer. Can sense the energies of creatures/spirits detecting evil and when someone lies to her. 
Magical: Color:  :blackpurplefire: by NamelessBot
Atra, Imbri, and Fulmimancer*. Some experience with all magical styles including the Forbidden arts, Ritualism, and Runic magics. Specilist in Transfiguration and master of a potent translation charm.
Element: Ice(Water)
As an adolescent she still has some limits to her physical strength and abilities. She struggles produce heat, and her Pyromancy is limited to conjuring small flames and willo-wisps wich actually consume heat rather than producing it. <s>Cannot currently use or block Fulmimancy properly</s> and has developed a weakness to it. Has finally managed to remaster her lightning magics, but still possesses a weakness to the element; if not aware or not careful she can easily fall prey to electric-assaults.


Father: Astarote Samael Lochesh | Icekin | Grypohneer 
           Mother: Adriana Vierona Abhartach-Lochesh | Furkin | Deceased
Stepmother: Maeglin Silimalure | Shift | Master Mage - Patyr 
Bullet; Blue Brother: Meiron Silimaure
Bullet; Blue Brother: Ionatan Soare Lochesh
Bullet; Pink Sister: Chasidah Amitah Lochesh
Bullet; Blue Brother in Law: Deren Isaias 
Bullet; Pink Sister in Law: Aylith taGalo 
Bullet; Pink Step Sister: Returu Kujisa-Rasa'hyne
Bullet; Blue Step Brother:  Gaviral Silimaure
Bullet; Blue Step Brother: Thel Vul Silimaure
Bullet; Pink Step Sister: Honor McCall
Bullet; Pink Step Sister: Kalia neVarion
Bullet; Blue Adoptive Brother: Itzaak Silva
Bullet; Blue Adoptive Brother: Kirabo Khamisitha'kathi
Bullet; Blue Adoptive Brother: Jaxenar Teiresius
Bullet; Blue Adoptive Brother: Cyril Theron
Bullet; Pink Adoptive Sister:  Heron Sho'cye
Bullet; BlueBullet; Red Blood Brother:: Destra Blackclaw
:bulletpink:Bullet; Red Blood Sister:  Reh'taeh Frosttail
Bullet; BlueBullet; Red  Blood Brother: Leon Grey.

Signifiant Other: Cedric Garth Aedan Grathan
Signifiant Other: Marikh Ardeshir
     Bullet; Blue Step Son:  Nikola arDeshir
     Bullet; Blue Step Son: Bartok arDeshir
     Bullet; Pink Step Daughter: Royal Zira Cadoc-arDeshir
     Bullet; Pink Step Daughter: Juzeth Riyak
     Bullet; Blue  Adoptive Son: Zeoca Grathan
     <da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Daughter: Xaria Grathan 
     <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined">  Adoptive Son: Yaotl Grathan 
     <da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Daughter: Ohanzee Lochesh 
     <da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Daughter: Talullah Lochesh 
     <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined"> Son: Makoto Lochesh  
     <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined"> Son: Kaphiel Lochesh 
     <da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Daughter: Kennerly Lochesh 

Extended Family: 

<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Great Grandfather: Merlin Dragulia
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Great Grandmother: Klarah Dragulia
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Great Uncle: Miathan Muldama
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Grandmother: Morgana Dragulia
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Grandfather: Seraph Menachem
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Great Uncle: Ioudas Menachem
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Adoptive Great AuntCortana Abad'Don-Dragulia
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Godfather: Aelfryd Reifeldh
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Godfather: Războinic Kyousha, Ijiko
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Revenir: Daharian Byrne



<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">

Pets/animals in care:


TT003 Malakhiy by PuddleAdopts
<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Malakhiy | Tantei 


<da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined"> Melusine l Waterdrak l Dame || Liliac | Batling 
<da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined"> Melior | Waterdrak | Dame || Palatyne | Batling 
<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> Noir | Sparkdrak l Rook || Neşialb | Octopoid 
<da:emoticon id="209" profile="undefined"> Iederă | Vinedrak l Dame || Iarnă | Anansi 
<da:emoticon id="567" profile="undefined"> Băieţel | Stonedrak l Rook || Sūtaḫ | Myrow 
<da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined"> Merula | Gloomdrak l Dame || Aprins | Fanfin 
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Neserios | Darkdrak l Dame || Variaţia | Anatoli 
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Alabastru | Pitchdrak l Rook || Pridanoye | Mech-laitha 
<da:emoticon id="565" profile="undefined"> Nafar | Icedrak l Rook || Marcat | Beausivarre 
<da:emoticon id="565" profile="undefined"> Bennu | ColdfireDrak | Dame || Te'ess | Bloodhawk 
<da:emoticon id="210" profile="undefined"> Bănuţ | BronzeDrak | Rook || Năpârcă | Kiernos 
<da:emoticon id="210" profile="undefined"> Balaur | Firedrak l Rook || Ómra | Mys 
<da:emoticon id="565" profile="undefined"> ??? | Snowdrak l ??? || ????| ???

<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined">  Name | species 
<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined">  Name | species 
<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined">  Name | species 
<da:emoticon id="568" profile="undefined"> <da:emoticon id="211" profile="undefined">  Name | species 


Current/Basic Bio: 

For the majority of her life Tsillah was trained by her father, a mage and gryphoneer, in their home. Now old enough to travel she has received her own Waterdrak Dame and joined the Botany Guild. Her father also suggests she join the MageHall.

Full History:

Tsi-ya Tadeozi Itchtaca Lochesh, Tsillah, was born on the fourteenth of Raladur, 1550 R.K.  She lived a relatively normal, if highly varied, life for her first five years. Exposed to all manner of peoples and races in the valley and learning under them all. She learned Imbrimancy from the local Gutterfin, the amphibious elves ensuring she was safe, and the girl was swimming nearly before she could walk.
She learned Alrahen, Gryhpon and Iscalin customs from the natives of her hometown, and also gained early insights into the lesser known races of ceÇatl due to their reputation as a haven for all comers.

Five years later the girl died, victim of the Nonpareii. The hunters killed her mother, along with the servants under their care, and raised the house. The tiny girl managed to hide away in a forgotten alcove, but was forced to watch as the priests attacked the others. Obeying her mother's order to 'stay quiet and hidden' nearly to the point the room collapsed, coming out only to try and rouse the woman from her 'sleep' until her father and Godfather managed to pull her out of the collapsing pyre.
She still bears the scars of the vicious burns she sustained, but somehow managed to 'come back' from her death therein, becoming a dhampiressa. 

Aging slowly but adapting to her new condition Tsillah spent the next two hundred years as a child; facing wars and infighting, before finally aging enough physically she was able to convince her guardians to let her wander. Making the trip to Iveleah to adopt her first drakkari and take her first steps of adolescence. 
Over the next years the girl was besieged by new experiences, and old foes of her family. Finding a friend in a professor of magics who was able to help her learn to age herself more naturally. She also met a fellow dhampir, beginning to teach him about their kind and eventually finding a mate in the inventor. Adopting three orphans who were the childrens of his late sister after their father abandoned the triplets alongside him. All the while setting herself against a dark mage who seemed intent on destroying her family. 

Eventually a magically forced truce was forged with the necromancer, and thing returned somewhat to 'normal', counterbalanced by her attempts to help a Lithian mage who had found his way to ceCatl. The girl refusing to give up on the seemingly petulent and dark mage despite countless spats. The last ending with an attack that had him banished from the valley. All protections lost to the lith, and he stepped out into a very different world to his own, and fell into all too familiar company. 
When Tsillah found the lith later he had been magically enslaved, and was turned not into a vampire, but a reaper. Tsillah found herself one of the few not affected by the intense preditory aura of the man; and gave him a second chance he clearly needed. The pair helping to train eachother in magics and 'vampirism' respectively. 

The relative peace was shattered when a blatant attack left the small family the lith had gathered around himself descimated; memories all too familiar rising to the surface for Tsillah herself. In the chaos and the confusion of the aftermath, and more innocent bloodshed, the lith fled and Tsillah was his sole defender. Pulling on every contact and tie she had to find the lith once more. 
When she did she found him worse off than ever, fleeing slavers and half-dead. In a swift turnabout the girl managed to trumph not only the slavers, but her father as well; ensuring the battered elf was given sanctuary. Eventually managing to clear the confusion of the attack enough to clear his name.


<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Journey to Iyek
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> The Tinker's Quest
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Botany Mission1 | link
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Meeting Melusine
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Rrylka The Architect
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Joining the Botanical Guild
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Iskarri docks
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> The Prisoner
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Uncle Matheus Pt. 1 & pt.2
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Rescue Mission
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Possession and Necromancy
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Sorcery
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Dhampir Discovered 
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Botany Mission 2 | link.2

<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined"> You do not want to get her angry or harm her in any way.<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> If she 'grins' it is usually advisable to stop whatever you're doing.<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined"> Is decent in a fight despite her apparent age.<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">She is talented with two blades, and a decent archer.<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined"> Can play the flute/penny whistle <da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Has an impish streak a mile wide as well as a dry sense of humor. <da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined"> Enjoys playing with people's heads, & making them think with her wit. <da:emoticon id="212" profile="undefined">
<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined"> Believes everyone deserves a fair chance, quite honorable and always willing to help.<da:emoticon id="564" profile="undefined">

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